a little about me...

About Me

my adventure...

     I am definitely a people person.  My husband tells me that I have never met a stranger.  I love meeting and getting to know people.  It is fascinating how much people have in common.  All you need to do is share a little about yourself and give others a chance to do the same.  It is amazing how we are all connected.

What brings me to where I am today?  I have a very strong creative gene.  I have discovered that it can be very rewarding to channel that through my photography and videography skills. I admire the wise words of Mark Twain, “Find a job you enjoy doing and you never work a day in your life.”  I am to that point in my life.  Fortunately, I have a wonderful husband and partner that is always there to support me in whatever adventure I choose.  So here I am on my next great adventure!